Jnanapravaha Mumbai Disclaimer


  • All materials including presentations, notes, outlines etc. provided by Jnanapravaha to a participant during a Course are protected by copyright law with Jnanapravaha being exclusive owner of such copyright and any such material is exclusively for the use of the participants enrolled in that particular course only and the same shall not be disseminated by a participant in any manner and/ or form whatsoever.


  • Participants during lectures may take notes of course materials for their own educational use, however the participants shall not themselves or allow others to disseminate any such notes in any manner and/ or form whatsoever.


  • Participants are prohibited from making any Electronic video and/or audio recording of a lecture.


  • In the event a participant is found in violation directly or indirectly of any of the terms of study mentioned hereinabove, Jnanapravaha at its discretion may expel such participant from the remaining duration of the Course without any refund of course fee. Further Jnanapravaha reserves right to take action against such participant to the maximum extent permitted under law.