Techniques of Enchantment: An Introduction to Art & Media

Techniques of Enchantment: An Introduction to Art & Media

  • 05 Jan
    28 Jan

    Aesthetics, Criticism and Theory (ACT)

    Boris Čučković Berger

Techniques of Enchantment: An Introduction to Art & Media

Image: J.R. Eyerman, Photo taken in Paramount Theater, Hollywood, California, November 26, 1952. Better known as the source image for the cover page of Guy Debord’s Society of the Spectacle.

For the German sociologist Max Weber the modern world was characterized by its disenchantment: reason becoming more valued than belief. Many artists and critical theorists have since disagreed with this assessment. Walter Benjamin and Roland Barthes considered myths to be fundamental features of life under commodity culture, from cinema to advertisement. Consequently, the advent of mass media directed a substantial portion of artistic energies to critically disenchant the captivating powers of spectacle. Students of this course will trace the manifold historical interactions of art and media, not only to increase their visual repertoire, but also to enable their critical reflection on the conscious or unconscious choices that come attached with media techniques. From ‘fake’ happenings in Argentinian conceptual art to the immersive virtual reality installations of Olafur Eliasson, we will look into the fraught relationship of media and reality. From the sets of Sergei Eisenstein’s historical epics to Ubisoft’s approach to historical re-enactment in video games like Assassin’s Creed, we will observe what it means to enchant the appearance of a world.

Classes mainly on Tuesdays and Thursdays

Eligibility: Graduation Degree

Admission Requirements: 

  • A copy of your last degree certificate
  • A 100 - 150 words Bio 
  • A passport-size photograph

International students can email us at for registration. We will provide our bank details to enable the transfer of course fees. After making the transfer, please email all details of the transfer to us. At this point, international students cannot sign up for courses directly from our website. This issue will be addressed soon!

Please read the Terms and Conditions carefully before registering.

Duration -

January 5, 7, 12, 14, 19, 21, 25, 28, 2021

Timing: 6:00 - 8:30 PM


Rs. 7,000

Registrations Closed

Boris Čučković Berger

Boris Čučković Berger

Boris Čučković Berger works on critical studies of art and media. He is Associate Lecturer at The Courtauld Institute of Art, where he delivers courses related to media practices of contemporary art; Cold War period criticism and theory; and the methodological frameworks of art history. His research focuses on the cultural status of digital production and its transformations in historical contexts such as the 2008 financial crisis or the emerging socio-technical conditions of platform economies.

Boris published widely on topics in art history and new media studies such as: the open source cultural practices; digitally produced sculptures; and art engaged with workspace infrastructure. He holds degrees in both art history and information science from the universities of Zagreb, Leiden, Amsterdam and London.